Committees: Membership

Membership Engagement Committee

The Membership Engagement Committee targets and attracts a cross section of professionals from the local commercial real estate industry, to join, grow and add value and experience to NAIOP DC | MD.


The Committee also focuses on insuring NAIOP DC | MD membership exceeds member expectations.


Committee Chairs:

 Leslie Davis, Director, Interiors, DBI Architects 

Leslie began her career as a part of DBI’s Interiors team and worked on a diverse range of design projects for over a decade prior to shifting her focus.  Leslie now fills a vital business development role within the firm. Having an extensive network of industry and client contacts, Leslie engages with the commercial real estate community through several industry groups in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland to increase DBI’s marketing reach and to seek out opportunities for firm advancement.




  • Yvonne Baker, VP Asset Management, Donohoe Development
  • Amy Dantin, Business Development Executive, Chicago Title 
  • Andrew Finkelstein, Business Development Manager, Bohler
  • Max Kleban, Sales Engineer, Cenero
  • Luke Olmstead, DPR Construction
  • Stephen Powell, Senior Vice President Construction, Realterm
  • Tim Schmidt, Director, rand* construction corporation
  • Adam Simpson, Director of Business Development, Kalmia Construction
  • Gregory Sweeney, Partner, Cherry Bekaert Advisory 
  • Lauren Zangl, Business Development, ECS Mid-Atlantic

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